Craigslist can be a friend or a complete enemy when purchasing things. It is user friendly, but sometimes you really have no idea what you are about to bring home. Recently I made a very cheap purchase from craigslist. A woman 3 streets over from me had a dollhouse in box that she was trying to find a new home for. She had no information on it, no paperwork, and had no idea what the kit actually contained. I figured, $5 is cheap. No matter what it is, $5 is not a big deal compared to the hundreds some of these dollhouse kits cost. So I picked it up.... and this is where the nightmare begins.
I brought the dollhouse kit home and for some reason was terrified to look in the box. I am handy, I fix all of the things, but when it comes to these hobby kits.... I cannot really explain the hesitation I felt from opening the box and looking at the pieces. The kids were driving me crazy guessing what was in the box, what the kit could look like, what the kit could be, so I opened it. I took out all of the pieces. Now, let me explain that I may be handy and can fix all of the things, but when it comes to many pieces of wood that are bagged and taped, I must confess I am a mess. I was terrified of this kit, the pieces were everywhere and I had no idea where to start.
After a week of online investigation, I confirmed that the kit I possessed was actually a General Store Kit made by a company that was out of business, and was created in the 1970's. I showed the kids the online photo of what it was... see below..
The kids were not happy with this. I heard a lot of moaning, groaning, whining, and crying about it. It isn't an actual dollhouse type house, it was a store. Not only is it a store, it is also very hard to find instructions and info on it. So, I began my search for a real dollhouse. This is where we begin.
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